Thursday, January 22, 2009

Top Ten

(In no particular order)

1. Run, Lola, Run - The movie has an interesting view on how minor occurrences can drastically alter a series of events, it also has gorgeous cinematography and a confusing but mind pricking soundtrack. 
2. Life Aquatic-Superb character development and focuses on complex human emotions and relationships.
3. Fight Club-Promotes an interesting and bold philosophy on life and the protagonist uses words very well. 
4. Naked Lunch-Intriguing, bleak atmosphere. A quirky foray into a 50's subculture.
5. Dr. Strangelove-Timeless comedic devices.
6. Amelie-Stunning Cinematography, Warm special effects. Exotic and beautiful.
7.Almost Famous-Puts a well known archetype into a new light. Solid development of characters by contrasting them against other characters and lifestyles. 
8.Clockwork Orange-Explores a dark, yet interesting, part of the human psyche.
9. Shawshank Redemption-Interesting window into prison politics, also intriguing characters, and relationships.
10. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas-A view of a less then reputable lifestyle of a very reputable man. 

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